pink eye and
Beiträge von Mo!
I Haven't seen you on Deathrun before but you sound like a nice guy +1
- Mo -
Sorry Wingzor
Don't the clan leaders see my server information?
me do something
Thanks mirko and I cant provide a screenshot because I don't screenshot randomly
I don't actually know?
My Rank on Deathrun was Reset
My rank was reset after I went to play be myself on a custom match. I have had this problem before and I was Level 20. It says I have tried to hack my rank! This is by far not true and have no experience of anything of the sort. I am extremely unhappy by what has happened and my effort of ranking up has gone down the drain (not literally, it's an expression :D)
I would love for this to sorted because I believe it has happened to many more people
Kind Regards,
- Mo! -
my bum buddy
Unfortunately, the funeral
however didn't stop
No Problem ons, as I am interested In Trusted Member I will wait as long as it takes
Just wanted to say, if you want to consult me on my app, You can find me on The 3xP' CJ Server
I think it is a great idea personally but some people may disagree.
I have edited my app so please judge your replies on my new one.
Kind regards
- Harry -
How do I edit my application? I will try my hardest to make it to standard.
Hello, My Name is Harry Dorken. My In-game name is "Mo!" and having wondered for some time I cam to the conclusion i need to apply for a Trusted Member. I'm from the United Kingdom and I am 14. I was born on the 22nd of June 2000.I speak perfect English but very little German.
I believe I have what it takes to be a Trusted Member because I know how to put things back in place for example: If someone is being rude or racist, a ban would be the result.
I still don't know how to give my profile information so I will give the link Codjumper: 3xP' Statistics ~ All about your gameplay « Player Details Deathrun: 3xP' Statistics ~ All about your gameplay « Player Details (Hopefully that doesn't cause any problems)
You Can contact me on Facebook: Harry Dorken or Skype: XXXXX (edit by ons: not needed)
I have been playing Deathrun and Codjumper for a very long time and would consider myself as decently at them both but by far not the best.I didn't mean to come of as a fool and not being interested as that is not how I feel at all.
I also believe I many friends on both servers and I would be very happy to be a part of the 3xp team if you accepted me.
-HarryP.S I have read the rules and regulations carefully