thank u all ! i
Beiträge von TRACTOR
ok thnx a lot but i haven't any hax ! 87 hours of playing on your server and now am banned for hax
give me just 1 pbss or something like that
Guid: 62f6485c
Reason: Rule#1.1 - Wallhack is forbidden.
Banner: i can't find because the events page didn't work !
Hi UFaced,
thank you for those informations ! yes you are right, i played only 32 hours -
ah ok ! thnx for replying
kind regards,
Guid: 3c7856a7
Reason:No Recoil Hack (deserteagle)
Banner: AutobanAdvanced Questions
If you got banned for silent aim/aimbot/no recoil, you've to answer some more questions:
What did you do before you got banned: Shooting
Is/was your game laggy or was the server laggy: my game is very laggy
Do you have a good pc: yes
Do you have a high ping: yes
Map: Nuketown
Position on the map: i don't know exactly
Do you use special scripts/bind like autofire/mousewheel shooting/tap fire/reponse trigger/fast shoot/weapswitch/...: never -
thank you for your reply ONS ! Your motivation is very important for me ! even as a Trusted Player i hope that i will help you !
Hello community !
I am TRACTOR, my real name is Mehdi. I'am 19 years old. I live in Tunisia, exactly in the island of Djerba in the Tunisian south-west. I got my degree last year and I'am studying now, in the University of Technological Sciences in Djerba. I want to continue a cycle of Engineering in Computer Science after the licsence.
I started playing COD4 in 2007. I still play this game until now because I'am addicted to it. I was an admin in 2 Tunisian servers and it would be nice, to be a part of the best Community in this game. I am pretty good at detecting hackers. I really like your community and most of your servers. I am pretty experienced in CoD4. I think i could help you in a small, but effective way.
XFIRE : mahdoun
Thank you very much for reading my application and i hope that you will accept it.
Best regards from Tunisia,