so he made
Beiträge von Fragen
and do some
fuck them alot
and it wasnt
Drank some of
went to a
to drink some
Simple nice game!
Type only three words to make long nice story
You may not post after your last post, You may only post after others posts!
There was a -
Thanks very much
And about xFire, i havent heard about it, also i havent earned any prestige on your servers...
I have a steam, so do you? im on steam about 20 hours a day.
Hello, I'm board of ktk server admins, they just keep warning/kicking without any reason, and they have got a bad server with bad plug-ins so when "Ahmadaqeel" has just invited me to your server, i felt so nice because you can help with giving me my half prestige and help me in-game, Also i has just met many of your nice admins with nice server, so from now i have deleted all my ktk servers on my favorite list and kept yours because its the best
My prestige is 7, and i hope that you give me 4 not 3
but its up to you
Edit by UFaced: Done.
Here is the pictures/proof :