Beiträge von Wingzor

    in my opinion your members are some sort of representation of your attitude.

    regarding if it were his own actions or not( yes, some of those were also his. on deathrun atleast ) ( could also put kenshiro on this list )

    that would be my reason in short, the combination of being part of SUX aswell as contributing to the facts people dislike about SUX.
    whether it got declined or not.

    my personal opinion:

    -swap the guns ( pistols at end , with ballistics and scopes )
    -reset the default pistol damages( some take like a full mag to kill )
    -resetore the regular movement speed and jump height
    -i would suggest to restore falldamage aswell as it would spice up the heat in buildings and on heigher platforms.( cant escape jump off it without dying )
    -perks for deathstreaks/killstreaks ? ONLY when you are on rampages etc
    -simplify the menu, just make some explaination text with a PLAY NOW! button or something. as it is ffa you do not need to join a team or load a class w/e..

    you could create a new game element by descreasing the health of your character each level or rampage you enter ?
    lets say in example:
    100hp = level 1
    96hp = level 2
    92hp = level 3
    10hp = level 25
    just a random idea which popped up while typing this haha

    there is hell of a lot difference in deathrun knife/ promod knife.

    promod uses as far as i know: 0,00 automated systems.

    if you implement this knifing would become a skill on its own and it would be fairly easy to take down a person rushing on you whenever you have a decent set of aim.

    If you make the knifing lower the oponents level but not increase your own level. it would be a pretty fair system i guess.

    Poll turns out to be : NAZI !

    Slight in radiant update ( all the blue = grass/bushes etc )
    don't bother the arrows or other shit its just an update about the size :D

    The bigger the better they say ?
    Update about the main terrain area and overal map size :D

    Don't mind imperfect parts or stuff, its just a progress screen

    my thoughts feed :

    -3 simple options which will influence the gamegoal:
    Do you want to excel the game to continue whenever one reached the 2kills on the final weapon(score based ending) ?
    Do you want to stop the game whenever one hits a certain killcount ?
    A timer based system ?

    -Whenever you die?
    Do i lose my feed and start with the lvl 1 gun again OR do i keep my current hitcount weapon and be able to continue from where i died ?

    Do you want to remove the slowdown ? to get more promod like movements ?

    FOV will be a user customizable feature or will it be preset to a certain value ?
    could imagine people would like to be able to define/use their own fov settings

    There are some really good "promod aim" maps out there which would be fun to have whenever you have a low online player rate.
    (smaller maps for more action, accuracy will be key )
    will post some names later


    I will use this post to keep you all informed of the deathrun changes going on.

    Post will be updated on regular base and bumbed with an //update stamp.

    any bugs/exploits/failures regarding the changes can be replied below.


    -modified the map rotation
    -modified the deathrun soundpackage
    -restored anti quickscope
    -removed the respect line rule

    -added anti spawn killing system

    surely nobody should bother really.

    this gives slower people a fair shot to claim a kill.

    if you want to claim a kill, be first !

    deathrun doesn't end at a door. it ends when either of parties dies.

    i've put a script on some of my maps ( i.e: wipeout v2 )

    but apart from that, i think it will be up to the mapper to decide if they use these scripts or not.


    Trusted Players and Members.

    The deathrun rule of respecting turns in front of doors/endrooms has been removed.

    kicking for "respect the line" is therefor no longer tolerated/needed.

    Any futher rule changes and modifications will be posted below.



    well scripting a game logic wouldnt be the issue.

    the issue is more like:

    all stuff around it.
    people will start demanding more and more

    killstreaks>specials>rewards>menus>ranks>prestiges > etc

    and i do know whenever i'm in the mood, the ideas keep comming till i've that many ideas it takes like months to script it for me...haha :S