Beiträge von shbc?

    Hi guys ,

    Someone give me this link ,I don't know what is true or false but I think players and maybe admins want explanations.


    I'm manjuju ,

    Sorry for the delay.

    Yes , I ban PC because I saw wh. No I don't have any evidence.

    But I don't ban for fun.

    @#removed #removed if you know PC and if you said he didn't have wh I question myself.

    If someone have problem whit my behavior don't hesitate to contact me.

    kind regards

    shbc aliase wjj>manjuju

    Hi players and admins,

    I put this post for know hif trusted and buddy can maybe put a tag like 2xP' or idk for indicate involvement in the 3xP clan.

    Thx for reading this
    Kind regards


    Hey mirko ,

    Nope but that the same as Xfire If it's important i can donwload it.

    I really stop play btf , so I can help you. No i have normal version(I lost my origin code :sad: )

    Nope I don't understand German...

    Nothing about coding skills.

    Hey #removed ,

    I understand why you dsn't want , but I want just add I have nothing against you.

    Thx for reading this.

    I am shbc, in real life my name is Clément. I live in France, to be more exact in Lozère (lol).
    At the moment I am 16 years old (date of birth: 29.04.1997) and I am still in school (2nd) I want to work in the trade.

    My gaming career:

    I started playing COD4 in 2008. I played Battlefield 3 and Brink but it's over.

    I doens't have any Xfire or steam... But I can donwload it.

    I started playing in 3xP' server in 2009/10 I know the server and the admins(Most active). I play everytime in HC, I can be in game 2-3or hours a day.Hif I want join 3xP' it for improuve my experience and because I like the atmosphere of the game. I'm trusted player in HC since 1 years I think.

    Thx for reading this.
    Kinds regards,

    shbc. :)