Beiträge von Booty

    Hi im booty :) I am from the united states ( yeah I know gross) I am 19 years old to this day. I am completely obsessed with deathrun. I have been playing it for over a year but have been with a lot of different servers here and there. no other servers can compare to 3xP ;) . I am donating as soon as possible because I like this server and its players. I am kinda new but will definitely be staying. Anyway heres my app

    [*]Language: English [German is optional.] My main language is English

    [*]reallife first name [no last name!] my real name is Riley, like the dog from COD ghosts :)

    [*]current ingame name(s) Rike but changed to Booty because dat ass

    [*]date of birth January 2nd, 1995

    [*]played multiplayer games: deathrun only rarely play WoW but mostly deathrun

    [*]explanation why you would like to join 3xP' Clan: Very nice servers, my favorite out of all DR servers. great staff ,fun players. its an all around great server and id like to be a part of it. I have been a part of another deathrun server in the long past . this server is unique and I want to donate and help out. I am currently in school but will be online atleast once a day probably more.

    [*]contact options (xFire/Steam/... [no Skype/E-Mail]) Steam: thethirdrike

    [*]if given: profile link of 3xP' Statistics ~ All about your gameplay « Player Details

    [*]if given: most played 3xP' servers 3xp DR

    [*]if given: gfx, sfx, coding, modding, mapping skills: modding and mapping. I have helped make a map in the past but it was on a different server.

    [*]if given: electronic sports experience: good with computers and website setup,made websites before and have experience with networking :troll: :P :P :P :P

    Application process by Borrow:
    #29.01.2014: trial member poll started
    #05.02.2014: trial member poll end: 25% positive => rejected