Beiträge von Shuzk

    @rockyy I didn't ban anyone for crying, Aurel banned me because he was mad at me. I played a lot with him and he was a friend of mine. And @RodneX the second ban was from Lifeszor, the first person I've known on deathrun. He just got accepted as member at this time and wanted to test his rights, like you can see on the ban reason.

    Thanks for responding!

    To be honest, I really dont know who set me Trusted, but it was at the beginning of the year 2014 I think. I was set Trusted because I was an active deathrun player and and a nice person, who never abused his rights. Also i was active on your TeamSpeak server and was talking much with some members.Actually I wanted to join 3xP but was too young at this time, so an admin decided to give me Trusted. Mirko911's decision to remove me for inactivity was correct, I was. That's the reason why I don' remember the names of the members i played and talked with and the admin who set me Trusted.
    I know RodneX and Zekon are the same person, realized it with SeaShepherds post on Zekons "application", so I don't mind that.
    I've read these threads and I accept them but I have a question to one of the deathrun rules:
    #3 - Respect the line in front of a room.=> When you reach the endroom(s), respect turns. First arrived enters first, 2nd arrived enters 2nd, etc.
    I really appreciate accepting the turns, but nearly no one is respecting it and many players are telling it's no rule on this server, but the thread shows the contrary.
    So my question is: Is "respecting turns" a rule or is it not?


    I don't know what you are talking about, that was definitely not me.
    Firstly, why should i use ammo in up, when the sniper respawns all the time?
    Secondly, why is !ammo a glitch? For what else should I use that command? For example Framey V3, when you pick up a weapon, it has nearly no ammo, so everyone uses !ammo. SO all those guys are glitchers?

    Hey everyone,
    my Name is leHoly, in real life Max.
    I am 16 years old, I live in Germany and I really like to play on your deathrun server.
    I use a cracked version of CoD4 and I changed my key to play local with my friends so i won't get demoted in my rank.
    The problem is: I forgot to write down my old key <.< I also changed my player name to Shuzk meanwhile, maybe some people may remember my old name or know my new one.
    So I am asking it's possible to give me Trusted player again for my new Key.
    Here the proof i was/am Trusted Player:
    3xP' Statistics ~ « Player Details
    I would like to be Trusted again, because sometimes there is no one who can handle some guys, who are'nt following the rules. In my opinion I am a very active player, so I can be a person, who helps maybe new Jumpers if they have questions and so on.
    For sure i have read and agree with all the rules and terms.
    If there are any more questions you can contact me on xFire. (xF: leholy)
