Played dis mode, very good... I can't even name how many mods are there on CoD4 hahah But GG 3xP'.
Beiträge von Busted<3Weed
Well, I have nothing to say, then that you sort this out, or just tell me no. Only thing that @mirko said: TS yes, modding lil bit, Im better with C and HTML (but that isnt neccesery in CoD:P ), Board/XF always on, active on servers yes and I played competitive before and if You play wars, u can test me promod. Thats all Folks.
I'm not so sure what you said now, is this thread closed, or I still have chance....
Said, I wasnt testing, random tk's. Second, no troll. Srsly, would I on purpose glitchkill with UFaced and Wing online? Name sitatuions where I TROLLED. I saw u got Grvty in, and he is ****
Skalli, if u want, say that you dont want anybody in 3xP'. -
Look like Masteradmin hunt hahaha but will see
Maybe it remembers my old nick, when u see it it's me FaiL.|#Busted<3 or FaiL.
Well, @mirko thanx... Do you know, maybe, when is he coming back?
Borrow, I'm waiting you...:? You said from 8-11PM, and I'm on TS from 9:30 till 10:30, nobody there
Even wrote to you on boardchat
#removedny is admin on that server so I guess he pbss-ed this pic.
ups, hast recht :blink_1:
naja auf jeden fall ist er BustedWeed ein toller Kerl :thumbsup_1:
Rioo, I will learn Deutsch just to translate that
Borrow I think today about 10pm? -
Le thanks from all. And Skalli, true, I'm not special, but as bLEEnd said, expanding community
And about trolls, I like it, but I'll try to restrain myself
And @Raiv, I like the idea of Trial
Hahaha thanks bro
If this something means, he is good player, good guy, and never bitches other players. +1 :thumbup_1:
Hy. My nick is #Busted<3Weed, and I'm from Croatia. I see that lots of guys started applying for clan, so I want to give a shot. My real name is Josip, and I'm 17 year old. I play on your DR, HC and sometimes CJ server. Main reason that i want in 3xP' is because I play in unusual time when there is idiots on DR, and no admins, and that bothers me much. I saw that you require mic, and I have it. I speak english very good, and I study german too, but its just first year. My CoD4 history ain't something speacial, but i play this game fcking long time. I'm active player, respect admins and always in a mood for joke. I was admin on many servers before, so I know my shit. I don't know if u play promod wars, but I'm applying for that too. On TS I only spoke with Rezus. Soo...If u have any questions feel free to ask
Thanks for reply. :PC:
turn them on so i can spamm on DR server
Turn the lights on because MrAwesome glows in the dark...
Turn the lights ON because admins can't see their dic*s while fapping :bitchpls: