Beiträge von WalkingNoodle

    R3K .The fact that some 3xp'servers are down frustrates a lot of people , i think this isnt a serious reason to quit clan.Imagine if you werent an admin.I am 4 times a day active on this site waiting for deathrun server to come online :PC: and im just a begginer , my point is that you lost by quiting this awesome clan (wich shall make sure to FIX 3xp'deathrun server cause its driving me crazy) (-_-).Need 6 more invites and i will become a V.I.P I know that oyu dont care but here is a creative face \(o_0)/

    Well,guys you say that im a kid, but you buster and apo dont have the greatest attitude especially buster.He might be a pro but this doesnt mean that he can insult other players or even have that pointless arguement with #WalkingOrange wich arguement leads to a clan hate from buster.Also,i think that you guys dont have sense of humor because when i said you jelous i was joking,seriously, .Its just a game
    P.S i want 3xp'deathrun back

    well you can see the colored names in xfire server info.I really dont think that they are important when i 1st showed a red coloured name i shot him my 7 bullets but nothing happend :/.So i think its better that this feature remain disabled.

    Hello 3xp-members and 3xp-Admins
    Im #WalkingNoodle and i play in 3xp-deathrun server for quite a while now i've been playing CoD for 5 years and i want to join to the 3xp-clan.I like this server really much and i know many players on this.Also, i have helped some newbies with several things and i have explained them a lot of things about this server.This is why i think im able to be a trial member and if everything run smoothly i might become an admin.Sorry for my english.Hope you understand me.My XFIRE is xpurpleninja. :rolleyes_1: