hmm after 1 guy mysql injected the website, it's gone, you may saw that there was a rollback
Beiträge von mirko911
von mir aus auch
allein wegen Tina bekommst du schon ein ja
I wish I could help you.
The problem is, that I don't observe the market. So I don't know which laptop is good or bad.
I only start to observ the market and read in into benchmarks and reviews if I want to buy one.I also have other specifications/prices for a laptop.
If I start studying, I'll buy a new laptop too, but this laptop needs long battery power, a 16'' display, a good cpu, less graphics and 8gb ram. I need the laptop just for coding and university, but it should play a movie. Also I don't need extra featrues like "optimized sound system" or special system apps which improves the "feeling" for stupid users.
I've a good PC for gaming so I don't need a good laptop for it tooI would say, that you need a laptop with 500GB HDD, 4GB RAM,
if you have a 22'' display, you can buy a laptop with 15/16'', if not you should buy one with 17''.
If you want to use it often without power supply, you should buy a laptop with good battery if not, you can buy it with less battery.
Also you shouldn't buy a laptop with stupid extra features like a nice design or extra media controll panel. It's useless and you won't really use it.
Btw. my fav. producer are Asus and HP.Acer is also ok, but I had small problems with a media controll bar which doesn't work correct after OS upgrade.
If you want to save money, you can buy a laptop with Win 7. I think it's a bit cheaper then windows 8.
Also good is a laptop with no os. You can install it yoursellf and save money -
soo, ich denke mal, heute haben wir einen großen Teil geschafft.
Jetzt Fehlen noch ein paar Map Sachen sowie das ein oder andere kleine Plugin -
ich brauch mal ein paar Leute zum testen.
ich versuche herauszufinden, warum man nicht mit 2 Leuten in ein Auto kann.
ich vermute mal, dass es an den Admin Tools liegt -
ich war von 17 Uhr bis 22:30 da.
Habn Job, muss Arbeiten kann also nicht immer so lange on sein -
flood control is for every post.
You can post all x seconds in every thread -
wenn um 21 Uhr noch Zeit ist, gerne
Bin halt nur etwas busy mit den Meetings
weil nach dem Clanmeeting [das hoffentlich nicht allzu lange dauert) gibt's auch noch ein Manuadminmod Meeting -
server is not finished
wait some days
I don't know what I should think about you.
Your app is ok, not the best, not the worst, but I'm not sure if you really fit into the clan.I don't know what Ufaced thinks about it, but I think at first it would be the best to give you the trusted groups.
Then you can keep the servers clean of cheaters and we get some time to build a better image.
And after some time, we see if you fit into the clan or not -
ok, you're unbanned now
turn the lights off
it's better for the eyes
I know that many people have battlefield 3 or 4, but we never play together.
I think it would be awesome, if we join with 8 or more people to a 32/64 slot server and kill everyone as squad.I know it needs some time to get a 8 people to play together, but I think it's possible.
I also think, some people should join our bf3/4 platoon too:
http://battlelog.battlefield.c…toon/2832655241234650909/ for bf3
http://battlelog.battlefield.c…view/1775517432341261337/ for bf4
push, sry for doppelpost
also, der Server wird jetzt konstant als Online angezeigt.
Bei einem Teil der Sachen oben, müsstest du oder @Wooff mir dann mal helfen