Beiträge von mirko911

    For songs, if needed, I can do it

    give me some ideas. Cutting the songs shouldn't be a problem here

    1 - proper rank-backups

    It's already on the server. But I think it's broken somehow. I also don't know if a full reset for everyone would be good or bad

    5 - no falldamage in secrets and endrooms

    I'll see if I can do here

    1. I don't know if it's a bug or that you put it to see more information on what's happening but on the left buttom corner of the screen where you see the save position and load position etc. I can also see other peoples loads (and saved?). Anyway, I know you ever put that there just to see extra information on what's happening during actions when the mod is used during a test but I think I'll just point it out.

    yea. It's debug stuff and will be removed. When we started with the menu, we had some trouble with the menu responses. Atm. every /openScriptMenu call will be dumped in the killfeed

    1. having a mode where you can enable the 3xp-walkthroughfps-layout for when making a walkthrough. I know Drizzjeh had a '3xP walkthroughmod' but maybe you can add that into this one.

    I would have packed the walkthrough stuff into an extra gametype, but I'm only the guy who edits the script files. Here you have to ask Drizz, Noob or Viruz

    3. a votingsystem to prevent overplayed maps, as pointed out in a recent other topic. (I know, I don't give a lot of detail, but just worth to think about a system, I don't know if it's possible but is the server able to track how much time a map has been on/played? that could help thinking about a system)

    Atm. I added a cooldown buffer which holds the last 5 played maps. This map won't be in the random maps atm (nominating is still possible). I also know from GSM which map is played how often but not how long. So if you want, you could develop a concept how we could implement a weighted vote.

    Freeze this topic till modrelease we will have a complete diffrent rotation system compared to now when it gets released, dont want to talk 2 much about it, but u will see

    'm bored on almost all map

    try mike jump2 :D.

    I'd like to get rid off of overplayed maps as well, but I believe that it's not possible by any chance.

    There maybe are some chances to change this by introducing weighted votes. A vote for a very popular map would count 0.5 for example. With this kind of system a popular map needs much more votes then a normal/less played map with a few votes.

    Unfortunately this system can't force players to play this maps :-(

    I don't think it's a good idea to add custom maps.
    The problem with the nuketown server are the online players.
    Nuketown works like an equation. f(x) = (x-4)^2.

    If there are 4~5 people on the server, then the chances are good to get 12 in the next 15 minutes.
    If thtere are less then 2 noone will join

    yea. Afaik the french files have some problems with the md5 tools.
    And yes, there are only a few servers where you need it (matchmaking for example).

    For 3xP Servers it should all work without PB


    I uploaded the cod4 installer some time ago. The only problem is, that it's the german version.

    In general you can just copy the whole folder to your new install. Maybe you have to enter the key again

    You could do it like CSGO Overwatch:
    X reports in X hours/days => All reports visible on a list
    less then X reports => reports won't show and will decay after time

    All of this ideas are amazing but i'm still waiting for clan chat only (#-clan chat) thats my idea

    It's already implemented in the server files but not in the mod files (except nuketown).

    This is also a bit offtopic, since it has nothing todo with the stats page :D

    I just had the idea for a guid changer. Enter old guid, enter new guid, admin can click on yes/no and *poof* old profile has the new guid and the stats of the new guid are merged with the old ones

    Logging every kill with weapon, time, bodypart, wouldn't this be extremely huge and hard to search the log?

    I think that the Database behind it can handle this. If the database design is good, then it should be very fast because you only save ID's (weaponID, bodypartID, serverID, playerID, timestamp). The chatlog is way slower because you have to save the big text messages (about 10mio atm.).

    Most of the clan things have a learning effect for me, because I'm trying to use new techniques. The statspage is good for dealing with performant querys, graphs and caching systems

    Hey guys,

    the never ending list of improvements is going on. This time: the stats page.

    So at first:

    Why I created this post?:
    The actual statspage was one of the first combined and more detailed stats pages exclusivly written for just one clan. Over the time I improved some things on the statspage but atm. it got old and a bit rusty. My goal is to write a new one with new stuff and features which could also be used for CoD4 Remastered. I also do this to improve my references for real life jobs which works very well ;-)

    That sounds cool, but why you created a thread for it?:
    Since I don't play that much CoD4 Public, I lost the overview about that what's needed on a stats page or what can be improved. So this thread is for collecting some suggestions/improvements/ideas what we could add to the statspage.

    Atm the gsm logs multiple things like kicks,bans,stats,chat,players,aliases. The next version could log muuuuuuch more. Basically everything is possible.

    So here are some ideas from my side:

    • Logging every kill with weapon, time, bodypart
    • logging for a player which maps, gametypes he played, how often he played and how long he was online on everymap
    • Same for every gametype
    • Log in general which maps are played
    • Ban/Unban people over the stats page[admin feature]
    • Chatlog with Live Refresh and Live Chat feature
    • Kicks and Bans for every
    • Global profile to combine all single server profiles
    • Graphs for server activity, player activity, and much more
    • More Detailed Server/Player Stats. Show best players by map, gametype, weapon, bodypart, day, week, month, kills, deaths. Also some medals for the best players
    • Live Image. Images which shows your stats or whatever for embedding as board signature
    • Special CJ Stuff ;-)
    • Better aliases tracking
    • More performant page with Caching

    Now it's again your turn: Tell me your ideas, even if they are absurd :D

    therefore we could implement a "GHOST until round end" - Mode.

    If you fail, you will respawn as a kind of ghost with save/load features, but it woudln't affect the active runners.

    This could be cool for beginners, because they can try some jumps and use the time to explore the map and normal people could play.

    It's like the knife area in hc mode. They can respawn, kill people and won't affect normal people

    EDIT: same mode could be used for speedruns. Also idk if we want to limit such a feature. For example: what would happen if most players use the "GHOST mode". It wouldn't make fun for the normal players.

    Hey guys,

    two days ago I asked you if you would play DR again if we refurbish the mod. Because of the good feedback, I want to inform you about some things.

    At first, I want to talk about my motivation: the whole 3xP' Clan consumes much time. The main reason for investing time is to have fun with my mates on TeamSpeak or in real life. But I also love to see full servers, heavy board activity and people who enjoy to play on our Servers.
    The last point is one of the most important reasons why I wrote the clanpage, the stats page, the adminmod and in the last time some cj scripts.
    With the cj scripts I got some decent knowledge of the cod4 script language and now I want to do new :D.

    So why I want to refurbish the deathrun: Back in the times the DR Server was full with over 40 players the whole day. The board was under heavy activity and we also got many new members from the DR Server. In the last months we noticed that the dr went empty and because of my non existing knowledge of a) deathrun and b) scripting I couldn't do much against it.

    In the beginning of this year amnesia sent me his sources of his deathrun mod. I would improve this files, update some menus (they look really good) and add our features from the old DR to his mod. With this changes we've a good starting point for a restart.

    But a new mod isn't all. We need the community behind it. And that's YOUR part:

    • YOU should tell me a list of maps you want (I also would like to add a like/dislike system for mapend vote)
    • YOU should tell me everything you want to say about the old mod (things we can improve; things you don't like)
    • YOU should tell me some good songs because I don't hear that style of music ;D

    and the most important thing when the upper 3 points are done: You should tell your friends about the refurbished server. (I'm thinking about a invite code/benefit system)
    At the moment most of this is theory and as I mentioned before, I need enough people who would like to have this new mod

    So if you like the idea, give this post an upvote if not give a downvote. Feel free to post ideas, improvements, criticism and all other things you want to say about the 3xP' Deathrun. With some luck, we may get a new 3xP' Deathrun Community Edition, with all the features you want! :D