-Nickname: Furi
-My Bday: 07/11/1998
-Hardest map I've done: mp_dark_v3 (no-hax)
-My gap record: 374 (rpg), 314 (norpg)
-Languages & Country: Dutch, English, Irish, originally born in Holland but live in Ireland #noob.
-My stats :https://stats.3xp-clan.com/client/a01127bf (Someone used this keycode in 2017. I was not playing in 2017 so some of my stats don't make sense xD)
-My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ragerfuri/
-My Discord: Furi#4437
I started playing codjumper in 2013 and kept playing until 2015. The first CJ team i joined was Styx. I created two maps palm_v1 and palm_v2. I left codjumper because of the community at the time and I was moving on to different things. I decided to come back in late 2019 and have been playing ever since. I just graduated from college and used to play several different games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, I also played a lot of ARMA 2 with Sycotic. Right now I also play quite a bit of Assetto Corsa which is a driving simulator. I compete in competitions on that platform. When I came back 3xp members welcomed me and helped me out a tonne. I've became friends with a lot of members from 3xp and for that reason I've decided to apply.
Thanks for listening, I agree with the rules and will always comply to them.