Clan Applications

  • Name: Jordan Jones
    in-game name: Phelix

    Age: 16
    Steam: j0rdz321
    Skype: j0rdz321
    Xfire: j0rdz321
    Abilities: I have recently started playing on 3xP's Server more frequently (mainly deathrun). The past couple of months i have been doing exams so i haven't really had much time to play as much as i could be. As of next week i'll be free for a long period of time; 2-3 months. Having had the experience from previous clans of managing servers for a friendly environment and free from hackers/glitchers. I am capable of doing all sorts of jobs! Those who do not notice otherwise, I am on my computer quite a lot so for whatever reason i'm doing something rather important than being on your servers. I still put aside whatever im doing to deal with any situation that needs dealing with... With this being said, the only major times i'll be busy is because i'm probably mapping my new deathrun map; Yes i'm able to map/script - Maps will be dedicated to 3xp from now on. \
    Former Clan: Nova, 7sense runners x2, [G] <-- I was originally owner with NInja but i quit due to lack of motivation towards starting a new clan.

    I can only offer what i've got which is experience from other clans. I suppose graphic designing isn't necessary but might be able to come at some kind of good use. I can see many peoples point that i'm probably not familiar around 3xP and it does seem a bit early for applying for a clan after only a couple of weeks playing on your servers, if this is the case then i'm quite happy to re-apply in the future.

    Now i know this application is really short considering most of my applications are like a story, but i'd rather get to the point by telling you what i'm capable of and having proof from former clans.